The world health organization raised "the bar" safe dose drinking alcohol. Now, published in the days of the recommendations of the who, a man without prejudice to the health of drinking up to 10 litres of pure alcohol a year. Women are allowed a third less. This generosity of who, the equivalent of about a bottle of vodka a week. But our narcólogos more conservative, that are still common framework: a maximum of 8 litres of "pure" alcohol in the year and 3-4 days, total of the sobriety week. Most doctors insist on the change of the traditional dating from the soviet period, of principles to help people with problems with alcohol.

"More than 8 liters of pure alcohol per person and year is the extinction of the nation, said the head of the office of psychotherapy of the National science center of addictions, the teacher. — Now we consume a 15.1 liters. We are in negative cap. Increased consumption of alcohol will not occur in a vacuum it is an attempt to relieve the stress, to a certain extent, an escape from reality, to solve any type of psychological problems. In part, this works: after drinking, closed the man becomes unwrapped, it improves mood, problems tilting in a second plane. But with all of this psychological trap and the pseudosolution problems. The man pays a price which is too high. Pay a pathology is of the liver, heart, brain. And when you encounter the real symptoms of the disease, the man, as a general rule, is located in a deep dependence on alcohol."
Tips from the expert: how much can you drink with minimum risk to health?
It is considered that for the men a safe amount of alcohol is 14-28 dose a week, and for women between the ages of 7 and 14 doses. When this rule is conditional: in some people, for example, when unfavorable, the inheritance risk of deterioration of health occurs when the consumption of very small amounts of alcohol.
How to take it correctly?
It is often said in the stranger to eat, drink, and to us — drink, eat. The principle that there should be the less, the better. And, of course, the drinks must be of high quality. The preference is better to give dry — non-fortified and non-dessert — wines. The vodka, cognac, and other spirits, falling into the stomach, can cause a state close to burns on the mucosa, so that vysokostatusnye drinks it is best to dilute. If diluted drink (this can be, and the wine) we draw in the afternoon the channels bowel the total dose of pure alcohol is small, and the damage to health is reduced to a minimum. Due to the oxidation of the alcohol in the body requires a excessive consumption of vitamins, then it is advisable to take a multi-vitamin and the table should include vegetables, fruits, and vegetables.
The usefulness of red wine?
Really compelling benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, including the dry wines, to date, has not been received. But many experts believe that the main value in the ability to relieve stress has a dose of pure alcohol, and not the type of drink. So it is best to drink less, yes it is better.
What is the dose of alcohol is considered safe?
On the recommendations of the who, men should consume no more than 40 g of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And women of 30 g of pure alcohol (to 1.5 bottles of beer or 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this is assuming that 2 days a week, a man will not take even a drop of alcohol.
When you begin the addiction?
Admit alcohol dependence, dare units. Most of the people consider themselves as Malouda, and since a person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but every day, and the other of drink rare, but with force. Who of them has problems with alcohol? Who experts, there are four ways of consumption of alcohol.
- A safe way. This is when a person consumes no more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol a week. On the day of the amount of alcohol should not be difficult to exceed the safe dose: 40 ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethyl alcohol (for women).
- Dangerous of the way. This is when a person exceeds the safe dose and does not comply with the regime of sobriety.
- Doctors warn that, in this respect to alcoholic drinks, the man runs the risk that, in the future, to take liking to the alcohol and to get as "bonus", one of the diseases related with excessive alcohol consumption (liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcer, anemia, heart failure, etc).
- The consumption with detrimental effects. It is when a person drinks with avidity (continuing alcohol consumption of more than 2 days), it feels an irresistible desire to take off the hangover.
- But the most characteristic symptom of this form of loss of control over the amount of drinking. That is to say, the man loses the sense of measure, but because it is increasingly drunk in the template.
- The third way of consumption of alcoholic beverages is still considered the dependence, but when her brain and the internal organs of the person that drinks a lot of wear.
- Alcoholism. In this way the consumption of alcohol is characterized by the persistent lack of will of the person to refuse alcohol, even in the name of shaken health.
At this time is changing and the way of intoxication, for example, before the man was drunk, it turned into something very fun, and I slept, and now had a very aggressive form of behavior. When the dose of alcohol, drink for a day, grows in several times.
How much alcohol can you drink to man in the day?
People have different attitudes towards alcohol. Something that can not live a day, not enjoy at least a glass of vodka. Some drink several times a month, and only in connection with the special cases. And there are, also, of the personality, that is completely indifferent to respond to the alcoholic beverages. If there is a safe dose of alcohol? Some doctors tell their patients, that they can consume no more than a single dose of alcohol throughout the week, others are sure that the amount of alcohol exceeding one month 60 ml of vodka and 150 ml of wine, as demonstrated by the intoxication. Scientists to determine safe for the human body, the dose of alcohol, even have put out a bunch of different formulas. But most of the doctors on the treatment of drug addicts agree that each person has their own purely personal, the standard taken, which depends on their individual characteristics. The last hypothesis that can be called the most plausible, as some people are capable of the tortilla, a glass of wine, and other "not done" and a bottle of vodka. Become more dangerous now to consume alcohol, sex dbil. A woman very quickly enters the excessive consumption of alcohol, and even small doses of alcoholic beverages cause it's addictive. Drink regularly, q already after 2 years you run the risk of becoming an alcoholic. Men are more resistant to alcoholic drinks and given to drink, not so fast – in 10 years .
Some medical numerous studies have been done, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that men of average physique, so that it is not to the hotels, you can consume up to 250 ml of wine 500 ml of beer and not more than 50 ml of vodka (or another drink with alcohol content up to 40 degrees in the day. In women, the highest dose of alcohol per day, the less of: wines – not more than 150 ml of beer of 330 ml vodka – 30 ml, it should Be understood that it is only one of the alcoholic beverages, and not all of them. The scientists believe that the servings are not able to exert negative effects on human health. If you drink alcohol above the safe standard, then the drinks alcohlicas little by little and steadily turn to you in this alcoholic. Not only gender is taken into account when calculating the safe for the human beings the rules of alcohol. The climatic conditions also play an important role in the process of inclusion in the alcoholism. He noted that in cold regions the people give to the drink a lot faster than in the areas with pleasant temperature. Another factor that should be taken into account when determining the dose of alcohol, it is the age of the person drinking. The younger the body, the faster it is drunk, and, therefore, are more sensitive to the adverse effects of ethyl alcohol. The young man, taken strong smooth beer, sehmale faster than the middle-aged men, who drank spirits.
However, you have to understand that alcohol, even in small amounts is contraindicated in pregnant or lactating women, children, adolescents, drivers and persons who take any medicine. According to the who, drinking throughout the year about 8 liters of alcoholic beverages, the people causing irreparable damage to your health. At the same time, national narcólogos point out that the average that a citizen can drink alcohol, 15 to 18 liters per year, and this is already in danger the sign of the intoxication. Why is it that in some countries drink more than the acceptable parameters? For the majority of our fellow-countrymen of the notion of "drunkenness" and "fiesta" are synonyms. Any feast does not do without tables, Flex of the gravity of the bottles of brandy, cognac, wines of the area. Invite your guest house and not put in front of them a bottle of alcohol is considered to be the sign of the obscene. If in normal conditions the man is able to control the amount taken during the dinner that knowingly allows most to relax and have a good time.
Not in vain, after the holidays people are getting worse all kinds of chronic diseases. To comply with the rule, the person must clearly identify how much you can drink and do not exceed the limit of their day. This is the only way you can adopt the culture of the drink. But not only does the festival contribute to the development of alcoholism. Sick from a viral infection, some people prefer to receive treatment not medication media and strong drinks. The alcohol really helps to destroy pathogenic microbes, but along with them, slowly and confidently destroys the entire body. And those people who during the treatment combined with the adoption of hot beverages with the medications, they have themselves a disservice: even the smallest portion of brandy, cognac or other drinks, taken the pills, or medicines, put a blow in the liver, the pancreas and the cardiovascular system. In addition, the excess of the portion of alcohol contribute to the development of I have a problem with the drink. If you have serious illness of alcohol poisoning arrives much faster. On the dangerous state signals of very low body temperature (3 to 4 degrees below the norm) and heavy breathing. Normally, through 12-36 hours after introduction into the organism of the huge amount of alcohol, the man the heart is stopped and the time of death.
And how much you can drink in other countries? In foreign countries, safe doses of alcohol for men is 30 ml cleaner of alcohol per day (this number contains approximately 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of beer or 40 ml of vodka). For zarubeznyh of the woman of the excess of alcohol is exactly 2 times smaller than that of the representatives of the stronger sex. The doctors are sure that if you drink alcoholic beverages in the doses indicated, then they will contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In the misty albus authorized dose of alcohol is 32 ml of pure ethanol for men and 24 ml for women. In another state of an adult man, without fear of harm to the health, and hotels, with a clear conscience can afford the luxury of drinking alcoholic beverages that contain not more than 20 ml of alcohol. For women, this rate decreased to 10 ml per day. In countries with a black population allowed the serving of alcohol is considered to be 24 ml of pure ethanol in a day for the male population.
There is the opinion that the recommended by doctors dose of alcohol in day, not only safe, but also it is very useful and moderate drinkers will live longer temperance. But supporters of the hypothesis warn that the benefit is able to bring dry red wine, of wine, of spirits no benefit to the body is not. Enabling them to take, they always know that their rule and are able to stop in time. This people happy, it's not terrible alcoholism. Good and who is not able to control themselves, the only way out to avoid the dependency of alcoholic beverages – do not listen to stories about the safety of the dose of alcohol and not drinking at all.
The ministry of health warns: how much can you drink alcohol
The specialists of the ministry of health estimated that the rules of alcohol consumption for men and women, which can be used in the labelling of these products. State research center of preventive medicine of the ministry of health has counted safe rates of consumption of alcohol, it is said in the newspaper article. In the rules it defines the amount of the drink, corresponding to low, medium and high damage to the health. It is estimated that NYCPM, if the man is going to drink 1.5 liters of beer of 4.5 degrees on three days a week, the risk will be lower. The same dose during the five days of increase the risk to high school, and the daily consumption of a quantity of foam of the beverage meets at high risk. Glass of vodka 50 ml, men can drink with low risk to health two times a day, to the woman, respecting the level of safety it is better to dispense with the same. If it exceeds the standard, the risk shall pass to the middle. The woman of the recommendations of the NYCPM in the day to drink two glasses each 100 ml) of dry wine of the strength of 13 degrees. Or a glass of champagne 150 ml As a dose involving low risk, even if the consumption throughout the week.
May not be valid and not valid of the levels of alcohol consumption, it makes the newspaper the word the director of the Institute of drug of the health of the nation. "These recommendations, or the calculations of the risks to health may be for each person taking into account your body weight, the state of the systems of the body, enzymatic apparatus, which breaks down the alcohol, these points are discussed in the who documents," notes the expert. The head of the national development center for alcohol policy, said that the people it is difficult to control the consumption of alcohol in certain doses and at the time of pausing, taking into account the recommendations. Do not stop the consequences. "If a good man, that suddenly it stops, therefore, it is worthwhile to talk about what you begin to consume alcohol, as it is a risk," said the expert.