Alcoholism is one of the most complex problems of the modern society. Alcohol and its effects on the body, is the object of the discussion of the scientists of different specialities that seek to establish the causes of the rapid growth of the morbidity, the way of the deduccin of the people of this state, as well as the risk factors for the development of the propensity to the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages.

First caused by the alcohol of change on the part of the internal organs are not characterized by a strong infringement of their functionality. But, with time, the influence of alcoholic beverages increases, causing a sharp disorders in the vital activities of the body's systems and break the chain of complex mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation.
Characteristics mechanism of action of
How it works the alcohol in the body? Once in the stomach of the person, the alcohol almost to the speed of the light is absorbed in the bloodstream. Few people know, but the alcoholic beverages begin to break down even in the oral cavity, therefore, the blood becomes saturated with alcohol from the first minute of your contact with the agency. From that moment begins the harmful effect of alcohol on the organs of the person. Approximately 20% of the alcohol clears an enzyme in the liver alcohol dehydrogenase, decontamination contain alcohol, toxins of the substance.
The bulk of the alcohol continues to the small intestine. Hence the alcohol penetrates all the waters of the area of the body, and then partially displayed with the sweat, urine, saliva and the like, and in part because it has become acidic and in a few days it will accumulate in most organs. In this period, the alcohol acts as a poison, the slow poisoning of all cells of the body, affecting the development of the individual, the state of his psyche and the functionality of the internal structures.
To the effects of alcohol on the body's systems and organs
Harmful effects of alcohol on the body of the person is expressed not only in the rape of a function, the brain and the liver. Alcoholism has a negative impact on all organs and systems of the human body. We could summarize that the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages completely destroy the normal functioning of the body of the sick, destructive, with implications for her of a full life and are one of the leading causes of mortality among people of working age.
The impact on the psyche
Probably every one of us, we know how it affects the alcohol in the psyche of man. Very drinkers of people may experience hallucinations, an insurmountable feeling of anxiety, apathy, open about depression. Alcoholics, he loses his own "I". These people become antisocial, little attention lend their appearance, they no longer excite day-to-day human errands, taking care of the family and so on.

The consequences of the consumption of alcohol on the human body
Each stage in function of certain symptoms and distinctive features. Its divided in 4.
For the initial stage characterized by a gradual increase of the dose consumed alcohol, the formation of the dependency and the influence of alcohol on a psychological level.
In the second stage there appears a wish to increase the dose of alcohol. The dependency is developed in the level a physical.
In the third - the physical destruction and emotional level, the formation of dementia.
The fourth phase does not respond to treatment and lead to the death of a dependent. An error occurs in the operation of the systems of the body, death.
25 reasons for the rejection of alcohol
Many people don't see anything wrong in the fact that the consumption of alcohol in the evening, at weekends or on public holidays. But few have the sense of the extent and strength of will. And harmless, at first sight, the passion becomes a harmful habit. In this article, we present 25 reasons alcohol is considered harmful alcohol and its influence on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, dirty tricks, of indiscipline, ruined talents, no sense of the conflicts and poverty.
- It is difficult to find a greater evil than alcohol, that would be so hard and mercilessly frustrated health of millions of people, as suddenly destroyed all the human tissues and organs (in particular of the cerebral cortex), the mind and the personality of the person, causing ultimately, early death. The cunning of this poison lies in the fact that the effects of the alcohol come immediately, gradually, in silence.
- On the impact of alcohol in a person's life, say the facts: 50% of the accidents, 1/3 of suicide, 80 per cent of the deaths from cancer of the oral cavity and esophagus occurs due to alcohol abuse.
- In studies carried out with the use of the latest technology, the australian scientists have come to the conclusion that between the alcoholics and the moderate consumers, we observe a gradual reduction and drying the brain. A glass of alcoholic beverages messing up in our brain 1000-2000 cells. These data were confirmed in 95% of alcoholics and 85% of the moderation of the consumers.
- Studies have shown that the probability of having a healthy life of the person to the drinkers of 15 times less than the teetotal, the mortality rate of their children 5 times higher, and the pain above 3.5 times (attention: it is simply the drinkers, and not alcoholics). Alcohol affects the child before birth. Even in families, moderate drinkers of alcohol, children born with retardation in the mental development of the underdeveloped, even dead. Due to the addiction to alcohol and drugs, women in america are being born every day thousands of premature babies. The drinkers of the parents of the most terrible thieves, robbing their children of the happiness of future discoveries, the happiness of living a full life (Eg. the Year Uglovo).
- Experiments performed on the hen of the eggs, showed the following: 160 eggs were put in an incubator in the shed, in the basement of which is cooked the alcohol. Vapors of alcohol are applied on the eggs. When it came to the deadline was the following result: the baby birds hatch only half of them, 40 viable, of 25 mutants (no beak, no claws, etc).
- If you suffer the genetic code of the person, the danger for a whole generation. In our time, the rape of a genetic code in a 96% occurs due to the variety of drugs (alcohol, tobacco, other drugs).
- Alcohol as the drug is harmful in all types and in any dose for the human body, because it acts as morphine or marijuana, that is to say, creates the illusion of good and of happiness, of generating irreparable harm, as any other poison.
- According to the who (world Health Organization), one out of every three on earth dies of causes related to the consumption of alcohol, one out of every five — of causes associated with the consumption of tobacco. Then, from these causes in russia, we lose almost a million and a half people a year, 20 times greater than the number of victims of the atomic bomb in hiroshima.
- Dry law for more than 10 years has happily acted in the old russia. During this period, we reduced the number of the sick, the emptying of the prison, has come to peace in families, in homes appeared in abundance. All these data can be checked, and by and large, the medical encyclopedia and many scientific works of that time.
- Certification of some of the drunks who, after drinking, feel a sense of relief, it is pure self-delusion, caused by paralysis of the centers of attention and self-control. The sick of the administration of each dose of alcohol leads to a state of euphoria, and to him all things, even of his own illness, is presented in pink color. In reality, the alcohol in any amount, only exacerbates the process and damages the person .
- Not in vain in the village say: "the River with a small stream and begins to drink with glasses". Let's think about what you have done. From the point of view of the spread of habits of consumption of alcohol, the most dangerous are not drunkards and alcoholics, because, looking at them, nor to one who does not arise the desire to imitate them. More contagious example of those who drink "moderately", "culture", that drunk, "to comply with the ritual," etc., unfortunately, our means of communication well, "bother" about the end of the enrollment and hours of filing on the table. Rare of the film passes without the cup, lush feasts, and toasts. The people enthusiastically drink after the toast, almost mystically trusting in that vacuum, a glass or a stack — the safe way for the implementation of desires. And the children become spectators and witnesses, and then to the partners of alcohol consumption, as they mimic the parent on the subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that if children invite to a birthday or a wedding, reproduced, copied in the games of the attributes of an adult from the party, sits down at a common table, open the bottle, clink, say toasts, van unsteady gait. The survey of 100 children in one of the gardens of the children revealed that 97% of the children, well-described alcoholic intoxication. With kindergarten ages begins to form an idea about the consumption of alcohol as a special, mandatory satellite of meetings and celebrations, attractive links of the buttons of the adult life. 11-12 years of adolescence are generated fairly stable stereotypes of drunkenness. Are copied to their parents and their loved ones.
- The teenagers said to those who will take it. In these companies it is cultivated euphoria. Adolescents screened at the alcoholism of their ideas about courage, the virility, the manhood, the friend of a friend that induce more drunk that shout the loudest or loud or yell, swagger behaves. In the behavior of many raucous, demonstrative, hysterical. Usually includes music, enhancer of the harmful conduct.
- On the statistics of the drinkers live on average between 10 to 15 years less. People who smoke in 8 years. That shows directly the harm of alcohol on the human body.
- If it is short answer to the question of why people drink, it is necessary to say: drink because it is a drug that is widely advertised and sold. Drink because the alcohol have been made legally recognized by the drug and sell it at a cheap price.
- There is a misconception that alcohol should be ok "to have fun". In reality, the joy and laughter very important moments in the life of the person. Give the holidays on the brain, distracting thoughts from the everyday worries, that strengthen the nervous system, preparing the new work and concerns. But the laughter and fun are only useful in the cases in which it is experienced by the sober human. Drunk of joy, and can not be scientific and intelligent understanding of this state. Drunk "fun" is not that other, as excitation under anesthesia — this is the first stage of anesthesia, in the excitation phase, that the surgeons observe on a daily basis when it comes to giving to the sick of other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, and others), which in their action are identical with the alcohol, and like alcohol, they refer to the drugs. This stage of excitation nothing to do with the joy that has no, and after she there is no rest in the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of rest, comes the oppression with all the consequences (headache, apathy, fatigue, lack of willingness to work, etc). That never occurs when an understated style and fun. So alcohol is not a friend, and the enemy of fun. It overrides the time that the individual devotes to the fun and relaxation. Instead, he receives the headache and the fatigue. In the same way alcohol acts when fatigue. On the Day of departure given to man to him and physically and mentally rested and with new forces, with the concept of willingness to work was set to work after the holidays.
- The alcohol creates the illusion of relieving stress. In reality, the tension in the brain and throughout the central nervous system is maintained, and when it has passed, the hops, the tension is even more than before the adoption of the wines. But added to this is the weakening of the will and the fatigue.
- - Natural need to drink beer, wine, vodka, etc., the people do not have. If it had not in the world of alcohol products and the traditions you open your drink, without them, could not live quietly and not cause harm to your body and with the family.
- For deliberate choice "to drink or not to drink" should be know as affects of alcohol on our organism. "Advertisers can compose any other legend about the usefulness of alcohol. In television, the rollers is called the beer "right", "life", "men", try "associate" of alcoholic beverages, sexual products, patriotic, national, high-status characteristics of people. To not be misled referring to have objective information and to learn how to counteract the advertising.
- After the ingestion of alcohol increases the number of streams of urine (diuresis), that is to say, there is a loss of water and salts. After the intoxication is very thirsty, "strip" in brine and mineral water. A brief systematic examination of the actual effects of alcohol in all types of exchange of substances in the living body leads to one conclusion: all types of exchange have been violated. This is a collection of "slaughtered" of the effects determines the action antiseptic ethyl alcohol and should be an obstacle to their consumption as a drink.
- The phrase "alcoholic beverages" correctly. "Drinks" should have a nutritional value and contain substances that are involved in nutrition. These include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The alcohol does not. In the brandy, the wine and the beer very little. For to write in her journal number is necessary to drink such a quantity of these liquids, in which the alcohol content is many times more than its lethal dose.
- For the money you spend on a beverage can, for example, to buy a car. Can you count how many for months and years is the money spent on alcohol.
- Often you find here references to studies of international scientists, for example, a number of institutions of the city of munich, we demonstrate that the beer helps to many diseases. First of all, it should be noted that all these studies have been conducted with the financial support of the alcohol industry. Therefore, these results deviate from the media, but they are difficult to find in major scientific journals, since the journals usually ask authors to specify the funding source of the research, and in the case that it is the alcohol or the tobacco industry, the publication of these studies is perceived as a sign of bad tone.
- In his power to get rid of a feature, to be free and happy!