Treating colds with viruses and alcohol is believed to have a beneficial effect on the body. However, it is recommended to consume alcohol during a period of illness and a decrease in the immune system only in the initial stages of the disease. In this article, we will tell you how the body behaves during the period of illness, and we will also consider how alcohol cures the common cold.
Alcohol and flu

Experts agree that colds and alcohol are not related in any way. In the course of a viral illness (ARVI), pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body. First of all, they affect the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasal cavity. As a result, the symptoms of ARVI occur:
- runny nose;
- cough;
- temperature rise;
- throat pain.
Alcohol for colds cannot kill bacteria. When a small dose of wine or brandy is consumed, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, swelling forms, and the patient's condition sometimes worsens.
For information! A small dose of any alcoholic beverage can alter the functionality of the pancreas, as a result of which the production and restoration of new cells in the tissues is suppressed. Experts do not recommend drinking alcohol for colds, because Ethanol products do not kill bacteria.
It is not recommended to drink vodka at a high body temperature, during an illness the body, therefore, becomes intoxicated, and drinking alcohol can significantly increase it and harm a person. If, with acute respiratory infections, the sick person decides to treat the cold with alcohol, the protective function of the body will slow down the production of interferon and can lead to an increase in body temperature. This process will increase significantly in time and in the fight against viruses.
How to treat viral infections with alcohol?

The main function that alcohol performs is disinfection. It is recommended for a severe sore throat to drink a few sips of any strong alcoholic beverage. Ethanol products will help neutralize viruses as well as prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the bronchial tubes and lungs. However, you need to drink alcohol for colds carefully, otherwise you may get drunk.
For information! Mulled wine or a glass of vodka can prevent disease, but not cure it. This is because spirits change the acid-base balance and increase the level of acidity.
But is it possible to drink vodka with a sore throat? It is known that tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an acute inflammation of the tonsils that occurs with influenza, its complications, sinusitis and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Drinking alcoholic beverages for angina can cause a sudden jump in temperature and dehydration of the body, so it is not recommended to drink alcohol during tonsillitis. Effective treatment of colds with ethanol products is possible with the following symptoms:
- throat pain
- weakness, lethargy, aches;
- shaking chills.
With such a complex of symptoms, it will be enough to drink a cup of hot tea with the addition of 60 ml of wine or another strong drink. Mulled wine with the addition of herbs, spices and honey can also have a positive effect on the general condition of the patient.
Angina and alcohol

Can I drink alcohol with angina pectoris? Experts say that angina and alcohol are not compatible. Strong drinks (40 degrees) have a negative effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and irritated tonsils. Most often, with angina, the pathogenic microflora is disturbed, which is affected by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. When a person gets sick, his body's resistance decreases, pathogenic bacteria develop that affect healthy tissues. Therefore, from a medical point of view, alcohol cannot kill a sore throat, it can only eliminate the initial symptoms of a viral illness.
Important! With acute angina, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
Preventive actions
It is possible to achieve results in the fight against ARVI with the help of alcohol only at the initial stage of the disease (hypothermia, the appearance of a runny nose, a feeling of congestion in the throat and nasal cavity). A small dose of alcohol after the resulting hypothermia will have a beneficial effect on the body and neutralize pathogenic microbes. If a person drank and was outside at a low temperature for some time, his heat transfer is significantly reduced and there is a possibility that he will get even colder.
For information! Research has shown that as little as 50 ml of strong drink can have a beneficial effect on fighting colds.
The main thing in the treatment of influenza is not to increase the dose of alcohol, if you drink more than you should, the immune system decreases, the functionality of all organs and systems is affected. If the patient suffers from alcoholism, treatment with this method is impossible.
It is recommended to carry out the treatment of acute viral diseases in a complex with the mandatory observance of bed rest. Drinking with a cold is possible only if the infection has not yet had time to infect the lungs and bronchial tubes of the patient.