Very often the citizens of modern have the intention, if possible, before the delivery of blood to drink alcohol. Because of the results of the analysis depends on the future course of treatment of a person. The physician must obtain the information, the more reliable the outcome of the investigation. Otherwise, you'll have to repeat the analysis, or spend the course of inadequate treatment. To be able to donate blood in the study, it is necessary to prepare as it is due. But in what way? And if you can consume alcohol before this? How many alcoholic beverages out of your body? The answers to all these questions (and not only) we will see below. In reality the incarnation of the idea in life, it takes a minimum of time and effort. And the preparation for the successful delivery of the analysis is not difficult.

The effect of alcohol on the body
Can I drink alcohol prior to the delivery of the blood? It is worth noting that ethanol has the following effect on the body:
- increases the level of lactate;
- it increases the concentration of uric acid;
- increases the triglyceride;
- lowers the sugar level.
In consequence, this can lead to distortion of the results of the research. The doctor will probably direct the next installment in the blood.
Bans or its absence?
So can we drink alcohol before the delivery of the blood? In theory, yes. But you only have to take into account that in this case, the results of the analysis of biological material will not be reliable.
This is not the only limitation. The thing is that in the results of the analysis of blood to the influence of many factors. Therefore, the restriction on the consumption of alcohol is only one of the rules. Then, we will see how to prepare for the donation of blood for analysis.
The excretion of alcohol
But first, a few words about how much alcohol leaves the blood. Of this should know of each person.
In general, the exact time is difficult to determine. The speed of the blood to the influence of the different factors. For example:
- on gender issues;
- the age of the person;
- type of alcohol consumption;
- the general state of health;
- the weight of the patient;
- the volume taken of the drink.
In healthy people alcohol is more rapid. The men more rapidly due to alcoholic poisoning than women. It can show approximate time of removal of ethanol from an organism. In the indicators of sailing? How much comes out the alcohol from the blood? Answer help you at the following numbers:
- vodka - 4.5 hours;
- the beer is 40 minutes;
- red wine/champagne, and 1.5 hours;
- brandy - 5 hours;
- the wine of porto is 3 hours.
Is the elimination time of 100 g of the drink of men in the body that weighs 80 kilograms. It is worth remembering that this is only an example of the values. And to not think, if possible, before the delivery of blood to drink alcohol, it is best to abstain from the consumption of such beverages.

Categorical prohibitions
But that is not all. There are a number of cases in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages before the extraction of blood, is prohibited. That can include? The following studies:
- in the hiv;
- in the hepatitis (B, C);
- in syphilis;
- in the calcium;
- the analysis of the content of phosphorus in the blood;
- in magnesium;
- in triglycerides;
- cortisol, androstenedione;
- in the parathyroid hormone;
- in the aldosterone.
The consumption of alcohol prior to the delivery of the blood, as has already been said, it is not recommended. In these cases, you have to give up alcoholic beverages long before the completion of the investigation.
Sugar analysis
And, if possible, before the delivery of blood to drink alcohol, if it is provided the analysis of the sugar? As already mentioned, ethanol can decrease the level of glucose. But and increase the blood sugar, the alcoholic beverages are capable of doing. Accordingly, a few days before the celebration of the investigation has to resign to any type of alcoholic beverages. And this type of products also.
Without restrictions
The donation of blood after alcohol, is not always located under the ban. In some cases, the patient does not say anything about the formation of a particular study. For example, it is possible in the following cases:
- before the departure of the driver of public transport on the route;
- in the study on the content of ethanol in the blood.
Do you give up?
Many wonder, how much will have to limit the drink, before the extraction of blood. Answer to this question is not so difficult.
The general formation of the
And how it is produced, the preparation of the blood donation? This process requires a special attention. It is important, for example, for donors. The donation of blood without special preparation will lead to a wrong analysis. Sometimes because of this, prohibiting people to become donors, if it detects alcohol in blood - exactly.
To obtain the maximum accuracy of the results of the research, it is necessary:
- stop drinking alcohol for 2-3 days;
- not smoking for at least a day;
- do not eat sweet, salty, spicy, fat, fried foods;
- don't overwork;
- avoid stressful situations.
Having arrived to the laboratory, the man it is desirable to sit quietly for about 10-15 minutes. Then we will see some useful advice for blood donors. Can I drink alcohol before the delivery of the biological material? No. And smoking is also prohibited. With what other limitations and tips are found here the donors? In general, it is recalled previously studied principles. Blood donors must:
- 48 hours prior to the delivery of a biomaterial to not drink alcoholic beverages;
- do not smoke for at least an hour before the donation;
- way of eating;
- a night of sleep before the procedures;
- in the morning it is easy to take the breakfast (donating blood not fasting);
- attend to the delivery of a biomaterial in a good state of health;
- take up to 2 cups of sweet tea, before the extraction of blood.
- give up the drugs to the 3rd day before the process.

Keep these rules in mind, the blood donor is able to prevent damage to your health. Since the delivery of this biological material requires a special attention. It is a matter that will produce serious, even if it is temporary, the effect on the human body.
The effects of different types of alcohol to the cold
The consumption of alcohol depending on the strength and doses with different effects on the body (including the cold):
- strong (alcohol content of 21...80%) — , the brandy, it generates a strong intoxication, a poisoning, quick, nausea, vomiting;
- the strength media (alcohol content of up to 20%) — , mulled wine — also contributes to the poisoning, but has more to be careful and effects in the body by reducing the strength, and the presence in its composition of vitamins and minerals;
- the small fortress (alcohol content not more than 6 to 8%) — is considered the most harmless to the alcohol production, but due to the lack of consent action Russian language during the cold is not recommended.
The high temperature of any alcoholic beverage, that is perceived by the body as a poison. Therefore, to the question, how can you drink vodka at a temperature of 38°C, the answer is clear no.
Why you can not drink at high temperature
- Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol — a toxic, depressing the functioning of the cells, thus reducing and, in addition, weakened by the disease protective functions of the organism.
- Due to the toxicity of the ethanol is perceived as a poison it is necessary to neutralize. The body experiences a strong pressure, at the same time struggling with the disease, and with the intoxication of the alcohol.
- The temperature increase is a response to an inflammatory process. He can be called not only the colds of the disease, but also the pathology of any system. In this case, when the consumption of alcohol is the risk of rejection of the organ affected.
Therefore, the consumption of alcohol at temperatures above +38°C, is not only desirable, but that it is dangerous.
In what cases can you drink alcohol with the temperature
The reception of alcoholic beverages in small doses (50 g), it is possible the appearance of the first signs of the disease and the body's temperature no more than +37°C, when the man has not yet begun taking medications. For medicinal purposes it is best to use or wine . A small dose of these drinks removes the headache, through the expansion of the blood vessels, accelerates the intensification of the protection of the functions of the agency and contributes to the narrow bed.
To base came, you can prepare a hot drink hot:
- Red wine is poured into a bowl and, stirring occasionally, over a low heat.
- Add the cinnamon sticks, a tablespoon of honey and clove (2-3 pieces), prevent.
- Then, on putting the peel, the ginger and the cardamom.
- Cooking still a little and not bringing to a boil, remove from heat.

The alcohol relieves the stress
It is quite popular to the confusion that often becomes the cause of alcoholism. In fact, a small dose of alcoholic beverages is released into the blood of hormones of happiness – endorphins. This improves the mood and gives the human being a feeling of joy and self-confidence. At some time the man forgets his problems, however, you can solve your not in the state.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages in large amounts leads to a rapid depletion of the endorphins and the deterioration of general health due to the toxicity of the alcohol. In addition, people often use alcoholic beverages, experience a sense of guilt that has to do with their state, and of lost opportunities.
The alcohol improves sleep
A glass of wine or a cup of brandy improves sleep. About this talk many, and there are those who do it often. In fact, a small dose of alcoholic beverages cause relaxation and slight drowsiness. However, with time, this effect is lost.
When the body becomes accustomed to alcohol, then passes a relaxing effect and popularity of the serving of alcoholic beverages, on the contrary – that excite a man. In this state, one cannot get to sleep, but here is the rhythm of the sleep is broken, and you don't get it.
Alcohol improves appetite
This is true only in part. Approximately 20 to 25 ml of liquor, which is used for 15 minutes before the meal, really drive the work in the nerve centre, responsible for the sensation of hunger.
But if you drink alcohol with an empty stomach, then, in this way, has been injured body. The alcohol has a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and the esophagus. This leads to the development of the inflammatory process, but also promotes the development of stomach ulcers and duodenum.
Alcoholism can be cured
Unfortunately, cure the person of alcoholism can not. You can get stop drinking alcohol, but it is indifferent to alcohol is impossible. This means that a recovering alcoholic must stop drinking alcohol, and even small doses of alcohol taken back can make it fail. Alcoholism is an incurable disease, because there is always the possibility of relapse, even after long periods of abstinence.
Virtually no party or meeting is not happening without alcohol. And such rest does not always have good consequences. Yes, and by night can be overshadowed by the fact that in the body too much alcohol. In this article, we will talk about the right way to drink alcohol, to feel good, it can reduce or increase the grade.
The most important thing is not to lower grade
Degree of alcohol depends on how you will feel in the morning. But it is not the only factor that influences its state. Plays a big role the amount taken alcohol, the quality and their combination with other drinks. Can reduce the degree of alcohol and, why not, we have to understand. When the body is in alcohol, is converted into 2 components – ethyl alcohol and aldehyde acetic acid. The second element is a toxic substance. When it enters the body in excess, poisoning her. In consequence, it can be found at:
- A headache.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- The pressure rises.
- Painful sensations in the heart area.
- Problems with the breathing.
The decrease of degrees makes the alcohol breaks down much more quickly, facilitating the formation of toxic substances. Have a negative impact on the functioning of the internal organs and of importance for the work of the body systems, absorbed into the blood. In this sense, the body applies a double blow. This is the main reason why you can not decrease the degree of alcohol. The consumption of carbonated drinks is also better to leave. Contain carbon dioxide. When is gets in the body, the absorption of alcohol into the blood is accelerated. And this has a negative influence on the functioning of the liver and other organs.
How to understand that there is a problem with the alcohol
Periodically the need for the alcohol is an opportunity to reflect on what that has not been translated if the desire to relax and relieve the stress on dependency. In reality, it is very scary. As the alcohol is capable of doing to you is totally another person unpleasant, dangerous for the society, without hope. Control the amount of taken alcohol in this case, it is not enough. Pay attention and the frequency of its consumption. If within 2 weeks you drink the order of 400 grams of vodka – one can speak of a systematic drunkenness. It is a mistake to assume that if the vodka is replaced by other beverages, no, it is not the alcoholism. It is enough in paris to compare their. The calculation can be performed from the following formula:
(The strength of alcohol (percentage) * the Volume taken (ml)):1000 = number of units of alcohol. 1 unit of alcohol = 10 millilitres of pure alcohol.

Talk about alcoholism it is worth then, when all the days in the human body comes from the 3 units of alcohol. Think of this diagnosis should and in the following cases:
- Thinking about the consumption of alcohol on the man lifts up the mood.
- It is perceived as a drug that is able to relieve the stress, calm.
- In the absence of alcohol produces a state similar to the "breakage".
- Under the influence of alcohol on the man changes the behavior. After the erosion of the body, appears aggressiveness and irritability.
The use of alcohol correctly, and knowing of his measure, you can avoid the possible damage to the health. Otherwise, in addition to messed up the night, headaches in the morning and disgusting state throughout the day, you receive a great risk of contracting the disease of alcoholism.